Read online ebook Adrienne Atzemis - Child Sexual Abuse : Entry-Level Training for the Mandated Reporter in TXT, DJV, MOBI
9781878060938 English 1878060937 Child Sexual Abuse: A Training Curriculum, one of STM Learning's new line of training products, aims to assist professionals as they attempt to keep on top of the latest data and methodologies in treating and diagnosing child sexual abuse.The information in Child Sexual Abuse: A Training Curriculum is designed to be studied either as a whole or no a chapter-by-chapter basis, and is built upon the academic foundation of Medical Response to Child Sexual Abuse: A Resource for Clinicians and Other Professionals and the original Sexual Assault: Victimization Across the Lifespan.The curriculum condenses the most relevant data from three academic volumes into 8 topical chapters meant to familiarize students of the training with the common forms of child sexual abuse. Child Sexual Abuse: A Training Curriculum includes the most thorough clinical and forensic data, which is presented in both a comprehensive text format and also in a supplementary CD-ROM, which includes tests, activities, images, teaching presentations, and more.This curriculum is intended to provide necessary information for equipping clinicians, nurses, and others with the necessary tools to navigate the vexing territory of child sexual abuse., Offers clinical information for a child sexual abuse examiner. This title presents CME or CNE accreditation., Sexual assault is not only a crime of violence; it is also a personal tragedy for victims and families with consequences that can last for years or even a lifetime. The care of victims has improved steadily over the last 40 years and has grown to involve sexual assault forensic examiners, particularly nurse examiners (SANEs), and sexual assault response teams (SARTs). Authored by two pioneering SANEs and a physician specializing in intimate partner and domestic violence, Medical Response to Adult Sexual Assault contributes to greater understanding of the complex issues involved in caring for sexual assault victims and better interdisciplinary collaboration on sexual assault case investigation, prosecution, and resolution. This book focuses on the medical response to adult victims and includes detailed chapters on genital anatomy, examination components and documentation, and evidence collection. It also addresses mental health issues and multidisciplinary team concerns. The DVD companion contains a how-to mock demonstration of an adult sexual assault examination. Together, the book and supplementary DVD are an invaluable resource to anyone involved directly or indirectly with adult sexual assault victims or response teams., Whether you are a mandated reporter of child sexual abuse or a concerned citizen who values children and families in our society, this easily read, concise and well-written manual is for you. This nicely organized little text will be valuable to those whose professional work or employment places them in contact with children and teens or their families. It will also be useful for training employees in multiple settings where children are encountered.
9781878060938 English 1878060937 Child Sexual Abuse: A Training Curriculum, one of STM Learning's new line of training products, aims to assist professionals as they attempt to keep on top of the latest data and methodologies in treating and diagnosing child sexual abuse.The information in Child Sexual Abuse: A Training Curriculum is designed to be studied either as a whole or no a chapter-by-chapter basis, and is built upon the academic foundation of Medical Response to Child Sexual Abuse: A Resource for Clinicians and Other Professionals and the original Sexual Assault: Victimization Across the Lifespan.The curriculum condenses the most relevant data from three academic volumes into 8 topical chapters meant to familiarize students of the training with the common forms of child sexual abuse. Child Sexual Abuse: A Training Curriculum includes the most thorough clinical and forensic data, which is presented in both a comprehensive text format and also in a supplementary CD-ROM, which includes tests, activities, images, teaching presentations, and more.This curriculum is intended to provide necessary information for equipping clinicians, nurses, and others with the necessary tools to navigate the vexing territory of child sexual abuse., Offers clinical information for a child sexual abuse examiner. This title presents CME or CNE accreditation., Sexual assault is not only a crime of violence; it is also a personal tragedy for victims and families with consequences that can last for years or even a lifetime. The care of victims has improved steadily over the last 40 years and has grown to involve sexual assault forensic examiners, particularly nurse examiners (SANEs), and sexual assault response teams (SARTs). Authored by two pioneering SANEs and a physician specializing in intimate partner and domestic violence, Medical Response to Adult Sexual Assault contributes to greater understanding of the complex issues involved in caring for sexual assault victims and better interdisciplinary collaboration on sexual assault case investigation, prosecution, and resolution. This book focuses on the medical response to adult victims and includes detailed chapters on genital anatomy, examination components and documentation, and evidence collection. It also addresses mental health issues and multidisciplinary team concerns. The DVD companion contains a how-to mock demonstration of an adult sexual assault examination. Together, the book and supplementary DVD are an invaluable resource to anyone involved directly or indirectly with adult sexual assault victims or response teams., Whether you are a mandated reporter of child sexual abuse or a concerned citizen who values children and families in our society, this easily read, concise and well-written manual is for you. This nicely organized little text will be valuable to those whose professional work or employment places them in contact with children and teens or their families. It will also be useful for training employees in multiple settings where children are encountered.